Faced with a measurement challenge? Take a more in-depth look at how the solutions available from Bowers Group have helped revolutionise the working practices of many organisations.
Bowers Group has supplied Pact Engineering Ltd with an Ultima Bore Gauge Set to aid them in the precision measurement of......
UK Carbon and Graphite Ltd has achieved the highest level of precision for the manufacture of......
Pentagon Plastics has taken quality control to the highest level of precision with the Baty Venture 3030....
Established in 1984, Xtrac is widely recognised as the worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of transmission systems....
As a leading global designer and manufacturer of high-quality Close Circuit Television (CCTV) Cameras and control mechanisms......
Given the many established subcontractors serving the demanding oil and gas industry......
Boasting first-class calibration laboratories in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland....
Now in its sixth decade of operation, John Guest Limited is the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality push-fit...
Since the company’s inception in 1974 Batorer Precision Engineers has enjoyed 4 decades of continuous growth....
Given the extremely demanding applications that construction industry equipment is designed for, and the harsh conditions......
Polamco Ltd. is an innovative, leading edge design and manufacturing company based in Bath....
Established in the 1890’s Pegler Yorkshire remains one of the world’s leading manufacturers of advanced plumbing......